Friday, July 31, 2015

How Long Before I Felt Better After Thoracic Spinal Schwannoma?

Hello everyone!  We are continuing our series of blogs where people with Schwannomas answer the question "How long before you felt better (i.e., able to resume normal life)?" After their particular kind of Schwannoma.  Today's installment were the replies that Schwannoma Survivors gave who have had Thoracic Spinal Cord Schwannomas.  We hope you find them helpful!  Neil

First Answer:

My surgeon and hospital letters always referred to my schwannoma as being in the lumbar area but it was actually t10-t11.  I was in hospital for 9 days post op. I was off work for 12 weeks with a 6 week phased return after that. It was about 4weeks post op before I started to extend walking from what was necessary to trying to push my body. Lifting things took lots longer- simple things like lifting the kettle took about 6-8weeks before I could attempt.

Second Answer:

My tumor at T4-5 was removed last May. Since partial vertebrae had to be removed to get at it, I have a rod from T3-6 and screws. It was a difficult recovery. The first 3 months were challenging. I still have a great deal of right thoracic pain. Also, some weakening or slumping of shoulders. 

The one-year MRI follow-up showed what appeared to be scar tissue and a bit of hemorrhage.  I had an epidural 3 weeks ago, but haven't had much relief.
On the plus side, prior to surgery I had terrible cardiac-like pain. The removal of the tumor cured that.

Third Answer:  

I had a tumor in T12 removed in 2001. It took 6 weeks before I could walk a reasonable distance. I couldn't pick anything up or put any washing on for around 4 weeks. I was in hospital for 2 weeks including 3 days in intensive care as I had some complications. I also suffered a blood clot on my lung not long after surgery. Apart from all that I am 14 years down the line and I suffer with a lot of nerve pain but I do live a normal life. I have a full time job, go to the gym 4 times a week and have a great social life. The pain before tumor removal was unbearable but now I can bear the pain. 

Fourth Answer:

Thoracic Spinal cord schwannoma was the one that I had (Neil) and when I wrote about this process some time ago in a blog / article, here is how I put it " It was probably a year before I felt fully functional. I was able to walk, with difficulty, within a week or two after surgery. I was able to help take care of our infant son after about 2 weeks. I did have to use small amounts of medication, and still do occasionally. About 2 and a half years after surgery, I got up the courage to try jogging and found that I could do it. I still do struggle with back pain but I have to live with the fact that I have permanent softening of my spinal cord in the area where the tumor was...and that has resulted in pain and discomfort, and some numbness around my stomach." I do still have some nagging issues with stiffness, back pain, and electring tingles down my right leg...but these are manageable, and I still feel quite lucky to have come through the ordeal - Neil (page coordinator)
